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200g pametna vrečka za čisti zrak

Običajna cena €8,90 EUR
Običajna cena €0,00 EUR Akcijska cena €8,90 EUR
Akcija Razprodano
Vključen davek.

Revolucionarna pametna vrečka odstranjuje vonjave, alergene in škodljive delce ter s tem skrbi za nenehno svežino prostorov in stvari.

✅ Uporabi se lahko za čevlje, športne torbe, mačji WC, omare, ...

Varna alternativa strupenim osvežilcem zraka

Zelo priročna v vseh prostorih stanovanja, avtomobilih, delovnem mestu, ...

Vpija in odstranjuje vlago v stanovanju

Ne vsebuje nevarnih kemkalij in je 100% naravna

Dolga življenjska doba - 2 leti

200g vrečka primerna za 9 m2


Odstranjujejo neprijetne vonjave

Magic baggies can be used in shoes, wardrobes, drawers…

Prevent growth of mould
plesni v prostorih

Bamboo charcoal binds moisture

Contains no dangerous chemicals

Power of nature that is proved to work

100% naravno bambusovo oglje

Only natural and human-friendly materials

Skrivna sestavina pametne vrečke za čiščenje zraka

The baggy contains only one single things: bamboo charcoal. This charcoal has millions of tiny pores on its surface that absorb the smallest particles in the air.

Drobne pore vlečejo te drobne delce in v njih razgradijo bakterije, ki povzročajo vonj. Delci se ujamejo, pri čemer izpušča le svež zrak.

Vrečka (podprta z znanostjo), ki očisti zrak v vašem domu …

Environmentally friendly and chemical-free Airboo bag with bamboo charcoal is a renewable product that is safe and fit for everyday use.
Safe even for babies and pets.

Main qualities of the clever bag:

  • Absorbira vlago
  • Nase veže različne alergene
  • Neutralises bad odours
  • Odstranjuje škodljive toksine

Elegantna. Priročna. Učinkovita.

The clever Airboo baggy can be used almost anywhere.

  • Neprijetne vonjave v avtu
  • In children’s rooms, full of moisture
  • Old shoes
  • Remove bad smells of pets
  • Bathroom mould
  • Mould and unpleasant smells in the fridge
  • Fitness and other sports equipment
200g pametna vrečka za čisti zrak
200 grams airboo clean air baggy in closet
200 grams airboo clean air baggy for animal toilets
200 grams airboo clean air baggy in car for  moisture
200 grams airboo clean air baggy in sport bag
200 grams airboo clean air baggy in storage
200g pametna vrečka za čisti zrak
200g pametna vrečka za čisti zrak
200g pametna vrečka za čisti zrak
200 grams airboo clean air baggy in closet
200 grams airboo clean air baggy for animal toilets
200 grams airboo clean air baggy in car for  moisture
200 grams airboo clean air baggy in sport bag
200 grams airboo clean air baggy in storage
200g pametna vrečka za čisti zrak
200g pametna vrečka za čisti zrak

200g pametna vrečka za čisti zrak


Revolucionarna pametna vrečka odstranjuje vonjave, alergene in škodljive delce ter s tem skrbi za nenehno svežino prostorov in stvari.

✅ Uporabi se lahko za čevlje, športne torbe, mačji WC, omare, ...

Varna alternativa strupenim osvežilcem zraka

Zelo priročna v vseh prostorih stanovanja, avtomobilih, delovnem mestu, ...

Vpija in odstranjuje vlago v stanovanju

Ne vsebuje nevarnih kemkalij in je 100% naravna

Dolga življenjska doba - 2 leti

200g vrečka primerna za 9 m2







Smelly trash can

We wanted to test if the Airboo charcoal bags are a match for the bad smells coming from the trash can, so we filled it with smelly food leftovers and left it. After a few days the food started to rot and the smell was quite unbearable. We then placed the Airboo charcoal baggy next to the trash can.  

 After 24 hours, we came back and noticed that the smell that was coming from the trash was completely gone. The best part was that if we used an air freshener, we would have just masked the bad smell that would mix with the fragrance, but with Airboo, the air simply smelt fresh.

Test 2: 

Za naslednji preizkus smo želeli preveriti, ali lahko vrečke iz oglja Airboo prenesejo oster vonj cigaret, ki nastane ob kajenju v avtu. Preizkus smo izvedli v avtu naše sodelavke, ki je strastna kadilka in se cigaretnega vonja v avtu preprosto ne znebi. Preizkusila je vse možne osvežilce in dišave za v avto, ki pa so na žalost samo za kratek čas zakrili smrdljive vonjave.

We placed a 75g Airboo charcoal baggy in her car for 24 hours. The next day, the smell was gone. “This is a miracle!” were her words after she got in the car. 

Test 3:

We took the next test to the bathroom, where we all know a lot of mold and moisture forms. We placed one big Airboo bag and throughout the day repeatedly turned on the hot shower for 30 minutes. We kept the windows and doors closed so the moisture wouldn’t escape. We repeated this process for three days. 

Strokovnjaki pravijo, da običajno traja 24-48 ur, da začne rasti plesen. Ko smo opravili s strogim tridnevnim testom, smo vsak dan znova preverjali ali obstaja prisotnost plesni ali vlage. Ponovno so bili rezultati neverjetni … nikjer ni bilo mogoče najti plesni ali vlage! Kopalnica sploh ni bila vlažna, zato predvidevamo, da je vreča opravila svoje delo tako, da je sesala vso vlago in tako uspešno preprečila rast plesni.

Test 4:
Športna torba

Naš zadnji test je bila športna torba, ki je že nemalokrat prenašala mokra in smrdljiva športna oblačila in prešvicano športno obutev. Poznate ta vonj, kajne? Tokrat smo, v namen testiranja, pustili vlažno in prešvicano športno opremo v torbi kar nekaj ur. Airboo vrečko z aktivnim ogljem pa smo nato priložili v torbo in jo tam pustili 24 ur.

After we opened the bag, we were surprised to find that there were no bad smells coming from it. Additionally, even the sports equipment had no unpleasant smell.

200g pametna vrečka za čisti zrak
200 grams airboo clean air baggy in closet
200 grams airboo clean air baggy for animal toilets
200 grams airboo clean air baggy in car for  moisture
200 grams airboo clean air baggy in sport bag
200 grams airboo clean air baggy in storage
200g pametna vrečka za čisti zrak
200g pametna vrečka za čisti zrak
200g pametna vrečka za čisti zrak
200 grams airboo clean air baggy in closet
200 grams airboo clean air baggy for animal toilets
200 grams airboo clean air baggy in car for  moisture
200 grams airboo clean air baggy in sport bag
200 grams airboo clean air baggy in storage
200g pametna vrečka za čisti zrak
200g pametna vrečka za čisti zrak

200g pametna vrečka za čisti zrak


Revolucionarna pametna vrečka odstranjuje vonjave, alergene in škodljive delce ter s tem skrbi za nenehno svežino prostorov in stvari.

✅ Uporabi se lahko za čevlje, športne torbe, mačji WC, omare, ...

Varna alternativa strupenim osvežilcem zraka

Zelo priročna v vseh prostorih stanovanja, avtomobilih, delovnem mestu, ...

Vpija in odstranjuje vlago v stanovanju

Ne vsebuje nevarnih kemkalij in je 100% naravna

Dolga življenjska doba - 2 leti

200g vrečka primerna za 9 m2

Kje naše zadovoljne stranke uporabljajo AirBoo vrečke:

Še več mnenj kupcev

Nika S.

  • Verified customer

Ena boljših stvari ki sem jih kupila! Najprej sem rekla ‘za probat’, ampak zdej mislim da bojo te bambusove vrečkice kar ostale. Mož jih da v avto, jaz sem dve v shrambo postavila, pa še v posteljo od psičke smo dali eno in res odlično deluje! Všeč mi je najbolj to, da tudi lepo izgledajo in niso moteče v prostoru pa da res ni nič škodljivega.

Lina K.

  • Verified customer

I get really sweaty feet in the summer so all my shoes start to smell bad, even if they’re completely new. I used to use fresheners or shoe sprays, but then the smell in the shoes gets even worse after time and I end up throwing them away. Because of the affordable price i decided to try out these bags, but now i think that my shoes will finally last more than one season.

Tea A.

  • Verified customer

As a waitress i spend the entire summer in sneakers on the sun and i’m used to walking a few km a day. Because of that my feet are often really sweaty and wet. After work i used to always take my work shoes home with me because i was embarrassed to leave them in the locker. Now i just place the airboo baggies in the shoes and leave them overnight. In the morning the smell is basically gone, even my coworkers don’t smell anything.

Frequently Asked Questions